作者:宁波专业翻译机构    发布于:2020-03-28 12:00:18    文字:【】【】【


Translation of a paper requires a lot of skills and attention, among which there are also many basic issues that need to be paid attention to. When translating, you should not only conform to the reality, but also smoothly express what you want. This is the difficulty of translation. Now let the customer service staff of Ningbo translation company tell you the main points of the paper translation.


First is the basic English. The basic English skills should be solid, which is essential for any field of translation. If you don't even master the most basic grammar and vocabulary, then the translated version can be imagined and the quality is self-evident. If there is only a large vocabulary but not a good knowledge of English grammar. In the process of translation, the translator's understanding must be full of mistakes, and the bull's head is not right for the horse's mouth. Therefore, we should improve the accuracy of English sentence understanding and the accuracy of Chinese English translation. So both vocabulary and grammar must have.


Secondly, it is to sort out all the reference materials in the paper and summarize all the reference contents with the minimum length. Then try to change other people to read the content of the article, put forward opinions for it, remove its dross, and make the article look simple. Delete some unnecessary articles, delete unnecessary words. When translating, we should carefully consider the words used, carefully define each sentence, and avoid making a general translation of the journal. Words or phrases that are not mentioned in the article should not appear in the summary, try to make the article concise and concise, and do not add some irrelevant words to make the article appear sluggish.


Translators should also have a wide range of knowledge. If you want to translate a thesis well, you need to know all the stems and phrases in the thesis. Only if you know the meaning of those things, you need to have a wide range of knowledge. Only in this way can you translate your thesis correctly. Not only broad knowledge, we also need to be specialized in one aspect. There is a broad aspect that is very good, but the broad interview develops on average, and you also need a skill to increase your ability to find the aspect suitable for you, so that you can easily translate. Only in this way can we have a height that others can't reach.


Finally, it is my foundation of English. A good command of basic English skills can completely control the level of expression you want to express in the translated text. If you don't know the basic grammar, is it different from machine translation. So with a lot of vocabulary and grammar knowledge, you can make your translation work more excellent, and improve your basic English level before your translation level. So grammar is a good translation to be studied.

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